Microfluidics: How Medical Technology Benefits from Piezoelectric Transducers

Whitepaper from the Piezo Design Experts at PI Ceramic

Microfluidics has transformed numerous techniques and applications within medical technology. This encompasses in vitro diagnostics within point-of-care devices, diverse drug delivery methods into the body, and single-cell sorting techniques. This white paper explores the technology claims seen through the lens of four successful applications in medical technology where piezo transducers play a crucial role in the microfluidic solution.

Piezoelectric technology has been effectively employed in a variety of active microfluidic applications within the medical field. Applications range from using piezoelectric valves to administer liquid analgesics from implanted reservoirs directly into the spinal canal, to dependable sample preparation and fluid management in point-of-care analyzers for in-vitro diagnostics. It also includes the precise selection and placement of single cells, or spheroids, on microarrays for high-throughput experiments, implantable micropumps for intraocular pressure regulation, and the acousto-fluidic manipulation of entire cell clusters for creating specific tissue structures.

Examples for piezoelectric transducers applications in microfluidics include:

  • Mixing, dispersion, and cell lysis with power ultrasonic transducers
  • Aerosol generation using piezoelectric membrane nebulizers
  • Precise droplet generation with piezoelectric tube capillaries
  • Piezoelectric and acoustophoretic single-cell sorting

The images below give a short explanation of the different applications.

For more information, download the complete White Paper on Piezoelectrics in Microfluidics.

Overview of Piezo Applications in Microfluidics

In addition to the above applications, the white paper provides detailed information on piezoelectric fundamentals, properties, and advantages and utilization of piezoelectric technology in custom microfluidic applications.

Download Paper Now

How to Find the Right Partner for Developing Next Generation Microfluidic Solutions?

If you are seeking a piezo design partner for your next microfluidics project, you want a company with extensive engineering expertise and advanced production machinery. You also want a company set up to take on custom projects with quick prototype delivery.

More Things to Consider

In-house development of piezoelectric materials: A partner with this ability provides consistent quality of all production processes and the flexibility to make custom modifications. Vertical integration with the entire supply chain in one hand guarantees short lead times and consistent high quality across all process steps.

Consulting and Manufacturing Expertise: Customers benefit from this crucial capability because it ensures that during the product development phase, there is a seamless integration of expertise to fine-tune piezo designs and specifications, aligning closely with the customer’s project needs.

Value-Added Designs: Offering more than mere components, the focus on value-added designs signifies a commitment to delivering comprehensive solutions that are ready for immediate integration. This approach saves time and ensures that the piezoelectric elements are optimized for their specific use cases through additional services, like soldering, gluing, and assembly, thereby elevating the overall product quality.

Experience with Miniaturized Piezo Designs: The emphasis on miniaturization addresses the growing demand for compact, efficient solutions in microfluidics and other fields. A partner with advanced manufacturing capabilities to produce exceptionally small piezo components facilitates the development of innovative applications that require minimal space, opening new possibilities for device design and functionality.

Seamless Production Scalability: A partner with the ability to scale production seamlessly from prototype to full-scale manufacturing is essential for meeting the dynamic needs of the microfluidics market. This ability ensures quality and consistency of piezo components across all batches and the flexibility to respond to fluctuating demand without compromising delivery timelines or product quality.

Cleanroom Manufacturing: A partner with stringent cleanroom standards ensures that all piezo components meet the high-quality requirements necessary for sensitive microfluidics applications. This meticulous approach to manufacturing under controlled conditions is vital for preventing contamination, thereby guaranteeing the reliability and performance of the components in various application environments.

Product Overview

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